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Showing posts from September, 2020

How To Live Free of Fear of Contracting COVD19

 Bold statement made above, I admit.  But lets be honest. We have lived in fear now for months, and now recently we are seeing people run around wearing face masks thinking a face mask will protect them or help protect them from COVID.  Now think about this fallacy in the long term.  Did GOD call us to walk and live in fear? Should we be fearful of this disease?  I am convinced we as Americans have been living needlessly in fear for one primary reason- lack of knowledge.  We have been in the dark for months as to exactly what is the trigger mechanism or perhaps may I say “What is the root cause” for whether someone will contract COVID or not. I have said since the beginning, and now I can back this up with a long overdue study that the key to whether you will contract COVID and whether you will have a bad outcome is 100% connected to GOD’s immune system he equipped you with AND if you have your immune system working in decent order.  The one element that is missing in almost every. Ame


 We have discussed at length in my previous posts that there is a direct connection between nutrient levels in various COVID patients at varying degrees of the illness. The mainstream media has essentially ignored any of these studies or treatment protocols.  I am not pushing conspiracy here, but it does make sense that in our system of medicine, media, and advertising that one could in a sense “follow the money”.  Most people will now admit that theory based on the debacle with Hyrdoxychloroquine and Remdesivir.  As soon as President Trump mentioned an old 50 year old drug that cost less than $20.00 for preventative treatment of COVID while Gilead Corp was wrapping up a marketing campaign for the Billion dollar experimental drug Remdesivir, can you really blame them?  So, all that aside, I have been steadily focusing on those under-reported success stories of people being treated for COVID using natural therapies, or people protecting themselves from COVID by using a balanced GOD give