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 We have discussed at length in my previous posts that there is a direct connection between nutrient levels in various COVID patients at varying degrees of the illness. The mainstream media has essentially ignored any of these studies or treatment protocols.  I am not pushing conspiracy here, but it does make sense that in our system of medicine, media, and advertising that one could in a sense “follow the money”. 

Most people will now admit that theory based on the debacle with Hyrdoxychloroquine and Remdesivir.  As soon as President Trump mentioned an old 50 year old drug that cost less than $20.00 for preventative treatment of COVID while Gilead Corp was wrapping up a marketing campaign for the Billion dollar experimental drug Remdesivir, can you really blame them?  So, all that aside, I have been steadily focusing on those under-reported success stories of people being treated for COVID using natural therapies, or people protecting themselves from COVID by using a balanced GOD given immune system approach.    So far, I believe non-money based truth is slowly coming out.   That is- GOD made our bodies to be able to handle any natural worldly pathogen ASSUMING our body was balanced spiritually, medically, emotionally, and nutritionally. Now, here is our dilemma.  If our bodies have or should have the necessary elements to make us “immune” to COVID 19, why so much sickness and so much death resulting from a virus that is based on a very common Coronavirus base?    The answer lies in two areas. 

1. The sooner you understand that this virus does in fact have a few unique genetic insertions in it that make it almost seem intelligent and the result of a bio-weapon, the sooner you will learn to respect it and treat it as the threat to mankind that it really is.  I will say this again for those of you that just reacted to my statement like I am a nut.  Here me out, this virus is based on messenger RNA code, it is an RNA virus. This is computer code.  I said it- computer code.   Now less you think I am crazy again, GOD writes code in every thing on the planet - DNA computer code- RNA computer code.  I say computer so you can grasp the concept of code.  Now less you tune me out- here me closely.  The new vaccine being created by Moderna in the U.S. is using very sophisticated “code” inserted in the RNA code of a virus that literally has “instruction sets” in the code.  The new vaccine from Moderna- if one were to use it, will be injected into you, the “code” in the vaccine will go to work on your DNA and RNA code and will generate a modification of your actual DNA code.  This modification will allow your body to see a new set of “computer instructions” and your body will now be programmed to see SARS-COV2 as a threat as soon as the body encounters it..  Thus, the body will destroy/in-capacitate the virus before it has a chance to “bind” to the ACE2 receptors in your body.    Now, when the lab experts at Fort Detrich Maryland, Harvard, Chapel Hill, and Wuhan China were running computer code experiments on SARS COV from back in the early 2000’s, they learned it had two weaknesses.  One, the virus was an “enveloped” virus which meant, if you damage its envelope (wash your hands with soap) you damage the envelope and the virus cannot attack the body.  The second weakness that is had was it did not “bind” to the lung/nasal tissues very strongly.  That is, even a sneeze could help kick out the original virus from the tissue- at least early in and sometimes.   Now, the more recently patented spike protein which has made SARS COV2 about 100 times more deadly was actually patented by Dr. Fauci and others back in 2015.  Once they patented the new “sticky” spike protein, all they had to do was  modify the “code” in the gene sequence of SARS COV virus and they would have a new “super virus” -one that would attach to the lungs with a vengeance, one that once it bound to the tissue would never let go- ever.  I can go into great detail of how horrible the “code” is on this virus- just understand this- this thing was not naturally created by GOD and thus it is in fact something mankind has never dealt with before.  None of us on planet earth had ever run into this virus, plus- do know this- this thing has “code” in it that sends a signal to your cells and it essentially says “disarm yourselves- I am not a threat”.  I kid you not.  Feel free to research this, I have.

So, just know - this “thing” is very sophisticated, VERY dangerous and it is engineered to exploit weakness in the human immune system.  You present this to a normal young human with a balanced immune system, they will take in the virus, it will go through its instruction set, bind to their lungs and go to work- BUT their immune system has the necessary elements to know its been tricked, and go after the virus to destroy it.  MOST healthy people may not know they destroyed/encountered the virus- they are “a-symptomatic.   Therefore, most all healthy children, young and middle age adults will have no problems.

2.  This virus being engineered the way it is, goes after weakened immune systems.  It preys on the weak, and unfortunately most Americans are actually sick.  Most Americans are overweight- 67% of Americans are overweight.  If you are overweight, your immune system is running near capacity to keep you in balance and it has very few reserves.   It is especially low on certain vitamins that it is using to keep you from dying from your- or my being overweight.  So, if you are overweight, have diabetes, have cancer, have sepsis, have some underlying condition that is compromising your immune system- this thing WILL get you..  I say that again, this thing WILL get you.  You haven’t gotten sick yet because you did not run into the right person carrying a decent viral load of this thing-, but you will get it. 

So, what do you do?   You balance/fortify your immune system to make up for the losses of your illness/compromised immune system.  If you are experiencing certain conditions, your body  is low on certain nutrients since they are busy fighting your condition.  Let me give you an example:  You have a small cold, perhaps a head cold; your body will send zinc into the cells to destroy the cold virus, you may run a fever, then its over.  BUT, your body is now low on zinc.  If you encounter SARS COV2, your body will immediately call on the zinc resources to go kill the virus in the cells, BUT you have a problem- you are zinc deficient, what doe your body do?  It sends a signal to your taste buds and your nose and says, shut off the taste and smell (which uses zinc) and it re-deploys the zinc to fight the virus.   If it runs completely out- boom- the virus now has free reign to multiply and take over more cells.

Now,  another example, your body uses Vitamin D for bone health, BUT your body uses Vitamin D for an immune system “shock absorber” it modulates the immune system to keep it running smooth.  If your body runs out of D while dealing with a deadly virus, the body will have no one telling to behave itself, it will run away and start killing all kinds of things and your body goes into what they call a “cytokine storm”.  It’s like a giant allergy attack over your entire body and if it goes unchecked, it will send you to the ICU unit, or even kill you.  This is what happens when your body runs out of key nutrients. 

Since most Americans are sick, most have high blood pressure, most are overweight, most are iodine deficient, most are D deficient, most are zinc and vitamin C deficient, when this virus comes knocking on your door, your body simply isn’t ready to fight it off and it will win.  You will be very sick.   If you are older, your body is likely extremely deficient of Gluatathione - your body’s super antioxidant- crime- virus fighter.  I you are over about 45, you are probably deficient on Glutathione.  I personally have been taking 6 Glutathione capsules a day from Dr. Rob Keller MD Original Glutathione Formula for 8 years now.    

I said all this to set you up to read the attached study of how to defeat the virus if it comes knocking.   You might still have to go the hospital, but at least you will know why you are going.  The media or Dr. Fauci certainly has not told you.

In summary, this study will show the connection between nuttients, Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Therapy and Iodine Inhalation/gargling and nose swab therapy to keep you out of the hospital. The study will once again mention Vitamin A , C, and D.   Please- right now, make sure you are taking at least 5,000iu’s per day of D.  Consult other articles that state you very likely need up to 100,000 iu’s a week for a few weeks to get your vitamin D levels up to where they need to be.  If you are low on D, you have close to a 90% chance of a bad outcome with this virus.   By the way, China, shipped in trainload of vitamins to give to their people to make them “immune”.  Let’s at least do that much.    Please read this short study. T is just 19 pages long, completed in July 202.  It only involves 107 people, but I have study after study that is verifying this data. It could save your life.


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