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Showing posts from April, 2020

Protect Yourself From COVID-19 With This Protocol by Dr. Paul Marik E. Virginia Med School

If you want a practical succinct plan to protect you and your family from COVID-19, implement the protocol that has been working best by Dr. Paul Marik, Chief of Critical Care and Pulmonary Medicine at E. Virginia Medical School.    This matches the program also recommended by Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai. His recomendation  to President Trump is here as   After you have printed Dr. Marik's Protocol, go back and click the link above to see the recommended Vitamin regimen by Dr. Shiva.  The link says shiva4senate, but don't worry, this link is for a copy of the letter to President Trump for how to protect the American People. Please use these vitamins to prepare your immune system to defeat SARS-CoV-2 when you come into contact with it.. Don’t wait until you go to the hospital, since many doctors having 80 to 88% fatality rates in hospitals where they are putting patients on ventilators.    The doctors hav

PART 1 - What “THEY” Don’t Want You To Know About Preventing COVID-19

What if virtually everything you had been told about the disease COVID-19, how it was created, how it is spread, how it supposedly kills , how to prevent it, and how to treat it were a lie?  Would you want to know the truth?     I will explain it all in 5 short parts.   Check my facts, got to my sources, and then implement these recommendations to protect you and your loved ones from the SARS-CoV-2 virus and go regain your freedom. When I first heard the news of this “Novel” virus, I really didn’t know how to take it other than what I heard on the media.  I think I was confused if our immune systems could actually handle the virus or was it going to infect every one in the world and include some kind of side effects.   Being a numbers guy, and based on the figures “THEY” provided us, it appeared that every ventilator in the country would be needed for those who would contract pneumonia from this infection as the diseased progressed in a large percentage of the population. While o

PART 5 Of 5. What "THEY" Are Not Telling You About Preventing COVID-19

So, in summary, your body was engineered by God to have the necessary machinery and chemical systems needed to keep you in homeostasis, - balanced where your immune system could do what it was engineered to do.    Do not live your life in fear. But, please, take good hand-washing precautions, and get your immune system working the way it is supposed to.  Please watch everything you can on Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai.  I would follow him on YouTube.   Here is the best video on the immune system and how it defeats the virus:  Immune Health and Defeating COVID-19 Here is what I use regularly in my normal immune system regimen.   I upped my Quercetin, Vitamin A, D, C, Zinc after I learned about the Rob Keller Original Glutathione Formula (6 per day.  This stuff alone allows my body to produce Glutathione at proper levels Multi Vitamin with all the recommended Vitamins 5,000 IU Vitamin A 1,000 MG Vitamin C 5,000 IU Vitamin D 500 MG Magnesium 50 MG Zinc 500 MG Quercetin .3mg of Melatoni

PART 4 Of 5. What "THEY" Are Not Telling You About Preventing COVID-19

This is Dr. Marik's last protocol. for those in ICU.     Please take note of the massive doses of Vitamin C he is giving them.  It lines up with Dr. Shiva's recommendation.  Your body at this point needs massive natural ammunition to win the battle, and C is their Solution.  (Ascorbic Acid) Respiratory symptoms (SOB; hypoxia- requiring N/C ≥ 4 L min: admit  to ICU):Additional Treatment Components (the Full Monty) Essential Treatment (dampening the STORM) 1. Methylprednisolone 80 mg loading dose then 40mg q 12 hourly for at least 7 days and until transferred out of ICU. Alterative approach: Hydrocortisone 50 mg q 6 hourly. 2. Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) 3g IV q 6 hourly for at least 7 days and/or until transferred out of ICU. Note caution with POC glucose testing (see below). General schema for respiratory support in patients with COVID-19 TRY TO AVOID INTUBATION IF POSSIBLE Low-Flow Nasal Cannula ■ Typically set at 1-6 Liters/Min High Flow Nasal Cannula (Limitation o

PART 3 Of 5. What "THEY" Are Not Telling You About Preventing COVID-19

So, I  here is the protocol from Dr. Paul Marik.    He shows prophylaxis, Mildly Symptomatic here.   He Shows protocol for hospitalized patients in Part 4.   Now pay attention here:  I AM NOT GIVING MEDICAL ADVICE, I am only showing you the protocol that Dr. Paul Marik from E. Virginia Medical School  asked to be spread to every health care facility in the U.S.  I guess he is not a big pharma guy.  Plus he knows,it never was pneumonia they were treating and he knows your chance of survival once you are put on a ventilator is around 12%.  I am staying away from that model.  I like his model with Vitamins.     ALL OF US SHOULD BE TAKING THIS!!!!!     This is almost identical to my regimen.  I also use A, and Quercetin as an ionophore for the zinc in my cells.   Dr. Marik uses it later in the protocol under his mildly symptomatic.    East Virginia Medical School Protocol in PDF   ACTUAL COPIED PROTOCOL FROM DR. MARIK    Prophylaxis While there is very limited data (and none specific

PART 2 Of 5. What "THEY" Are Not Telling You About Preventing COVID-19

Ok, lets get off of “THEY” and get straight to protecting you and your family. I would refer to the brilliant work of Dr. shiva , a brilliant MIT PHD what teaches on the immune system.    He is one of the top experts in the world of the immune system.  Here is  one of his many outstanding videos explaining how our immune system works, and how these Vitamins fit in the puzzle.  By the way, his video goes hand in hand with the protocol from Dr. Marik.    Dr. Shiva, How The Immune System can defeat COVID-19 I will put together another blog on how this works, but very simply speaking, this regimen will allow you to balance your immune system so that when it needs the necessary supplies to defeat the virus, it has what it needs to prohibit a cytokine storm (where your immune system turns on itself and can kill you). You can watch his explanation in the video listed, you can see his protocol sent to President Trump for all of America to utilize.  Finally, I will attach the protocol from

Vitamin D Helps Protect You From COVID-19

 Could the horror of the Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1917 teach us about how to defeat/protect ourselves against COVID-19? The answer is a resounding yes according to this study.  We are learning more every day that the real key to defeating the Sars-Cov-2 virus is a balanced immune system.  This will further demonstrate that Vitamin D is a key element in this battle.  What if a proper balance of basic vitamins which directly affect the immune system were the "key" to defeating the power of the virus in our society?  What if a balance of Vitamins A, C, D, Zinc, and Magnesium virtually gave you immunity to the virus would you want to know?   Read the long article below and it will propel you down this path.  The following is a download of a fascinating scientific article about the affects of Vitamin D on influenza and pneumonia victims with a particular emphasis on the Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1917-1920 and how it affected whites and blacks in America.  This is a scholarly art