Ok, lets get off of “THEY” and get straight to protecting you and your family.
I would refer to the brilliant work of Dr. shiva , a brilliant MIT PHD what teaches on the immune system. He is one of the top experts in the world of the immune system. Here is one of his many outstanding videos explaining how our immune system works, and how these Vitamins fit in the puzzle. By the way, his video goes hand in hand with the protocol from Dr. Marik. Dr. Shiva, How The Immune System can defeat COVID-19
I will put together another blog on how this works, but very simply speaking, this regimen will allow you to balance your immune system so that when it needs the necessary supplies to defeat the virus, it has what it needs to prohibit a cytokine storm (where your immune system turns on itself and can kill you). You can watch his explanation in the video listed, you can see his protocol sent to President Trump for all of America to utilize. Finally, I will attach the protocol from the COVID treatment protocol form University of Virginia Medical School.
In a nutshell, Dr. Shiva explains that our body was engineered to fight off any virus, even one it has not encountered before! The body is a very complex system and the immune system uses supplies to protect cell walls, defeats invaders, free radicals, whatever. The SARS CoV-2 virus cheats its way into a weakened cell wall, (deficient in Vitamin A), it then starts to move into the cell to replicate (taking advantage of a Vitamin D deficiency), succeeds in binding to the ACE 2 enzymes then it unlocks the cell front door, comes in and starts replicating at a fast rate.
Once the virus has tricked your weakened immune system into letting it inside the cells, our body will start showing signs the immune system has been compromised. Here, you sill start seeing your fevers, sore throat, etc.
Without the required levels of A and D to destroy the virus, it does not have Vitamin A reserves or Vitamin D reserves and it starts moving to another defense mechanism, more fever, etc. The immune system now starts calling in its big guns- the Vitamin C. Vitamin C is almost miraculous in how it kills virus etc. Vitamin C comes to the rescue to put the fire out (all this is metaphorically speaking), C is getting it done, stopping the Virus, BUT, it runs low on reserves (Vitamin C deficiency).
Once the body starts depleting its Glutathione and Vitamin C reserves, it may even try using zinc to get into the cells to kill the virus. But Zinc needs a transport mechanism to get inside the cells to do battle. It needs something like Quercetin (from natural foods etc) to transport the Zinc. If/when that runs out, the then the immune system pulls out all the stops, goes crazy, you get what is called a Cytokine storm and the body may or may not survive once it turns on itself.
It is actually the haywire immune system shooting “bullets” at anything and everything to g stop the virus from moving to a new host, and the body may die. This is actually what has happened when many people get sick from the virus, run a fever etc, and after 3 or 4 days they think they are better. Then all of a sudden, they "CRASH", their body has this cytokine storm of the system turning on itself. This has happened because the body ran out of nutrients to fight the virus. (for a reference, this is then the ICU Unit will start IV with 4 to 6 grams per day of full intravenous vitamin C to pull you through this and prevent death. They are finding it is not the ventilator, it is the massive quantities of vitamin these doctors are pumping in you to give your body its needed "supplies". This is where we we are hearing the stories of kidney failure, the lungs filling with fluid and the blood cannot carry oxygen to the cells. These symptoms are similar to high altitude sickness. The doctors that think this is pneumonia are treating the wrong problem, putting them on vents, burning up their lungs with too much PEEP, all when it could have been settled with vitamins.
Solution? Just balance the immune system. Get the body the needed A, B, C, D, Zinc, Magnesium, a few other natural items, let the body have its needed supplies and the body will defeat the virus.
So, if you are already immuno-compromised, obese, diabetic, high blood pressure, etc, you really need to follow the protrocol these doctors are using in the actual ICU units and hospitals. Other than prophylaxis, consult your doctor and show him this protocol and ask him to consider it.
Dr. Shiva has sent a letter to President Trump urging him to ignore the CDC, Dr. Fauci, the mainstream media and the medical establishment. His suggestions as it turns out were obviously copied and adopted by The University of Virginia: good for them and us it turns out.
Here is his letter as a reference: Dr. Shiva's Letter to President Trump with COVID-19 Solution
The Protocol and suggested Vitamin regimen is on PART 3.
I would refer to the brilliant work of Dr. shiva , a brilliant MIT PHD what teaches on the immune system. He is one of the top experts in the world of the immune system. Here is one of his many outstanding videos explaining how our immune system works, and how these Vitamins fit in the puzzle. By the way, his video goes hand in hand with the protocol from Dr. Marik. Dr. Shiva, How The Immune System can defeat COVID-19
I will put together another blog on how this works, but very simply speaking, this regimen will allow you to balance your immune system so that when it needs the necessary supplies to defeat the virus, it has what it needs to prohibit a cytokine storm (where your immune system turns on itself and can kill you). You can watch his explanation in the video listed, you can see his protocol sent to President Trump for all of America to utilize. Finally, I will attach the protocol from the COVID treatment protocol form University of Virginia Medical School.
In a nutshell, Dr. Shiva explains that our body was engineered to fight off any virus, even one it has not encountered before! The body is a very complex system and the immune system uses supplies to protect cell walls, defeats invaders, free radicals, whatever. The SARS CoV-2 virus cheats its way into a weakened cell wall, (deficient in Vitamin A), it then starts to move into the cell to replicate (taking advantage of a Vitamin D deficiency), succeeds in binding to the ACE 2 enzymes then it unlocks the cell front door, comes in and starts replicating at a fast rate.
Once the virus has tricked your weakened immune system into letting it inside the cells, our body will start showing signs the immune system has been compromised. Here, you sill start seeing your fevers, sore throat, etc.
Without the required levels of A and D to destroy the virus, it does not have Vitamin A reserves or Vitamin D reserves and it starts moving to another defense mechanism, more fever, etc. The immune system now starts calling in its big guns- the Vitamin C. Vitamin C is almost miraculous in how it kills virus etc. Vitamin C comes to the rescue to put the fire out (all this is metaphorically speaking), C is getting it done, stopping the Virus, BUT, it runs low on reserves (Vitamin C deficiency).
Once the body starts depleting its Glutathione and Vitamin C reserves, it may even try using zinc to get into the cells to kill the virus. But Zinc needs a transport mechanism to get inside the cells to do battle. It needs something like Quercetin (from natural foods etc) to transport the Zinc. If/when that runs out, the then the immune system pulls out all the stops, goes crazy, you get what is called a Cytokine storm and the body may or may not survive once it turns on itself.
It is actually the haywire immune system shooting “bullets” at anything and everything to g stop the virus from moving to a new host, and the body may die. This is actually what has happened when many people get sick from the virus, run a fever etc, and after 3 or 4 days they think they are better. Then all of a sudden, they "CRASH", their body has this cytokine storm of the system turning on itself. This has happened because the body ran out of nutrients to fight the virus. (for a reference, this is then the ICU Unit will start IV with 4 to 6 grams per day of full intravenous vitamin C to pull you through this and prevent death. They are finding it is not the ventilator, it is the massive quantities of vitamin these doctors are pumping in you to give your body its needed "supplies". This is where we we are hearing the stories of kidney failure, the lungs filling with fluid and the blood cannot carry oxygen to the cells. These symptoms are similar to high altitude sickness. The doctors that think this is pneumonia are treating the wrong problem, putting them on vents, burning up their lungs with too much PEEP, all when it could have been settled with vitamins.
Solution? Just balance the immune system. Get the body the needed A, B, C, D, Zinc, Magnesium, a few other natural items, let the body have its needed supplies and the body will defeat the virus.
So, if you are already immuno-compromised, obese, diabetic, high blood pressure, etc, you really need to follow the protrocol these doctors are using in the actual ICU units and hospitals. Other than prophylaxis, consult your doctor and show him this protocol and ask him to consider it.
Dr. Shiva has sent a letter to President Trump urging him to ignore the CDC, Dr. Fauci, the mainstream media and the medical establishment. His suggestions as it turns out were obviously copied and adopted by The University of Virginia: good for them and us it turns out.
Here is his letter as a reference: Dr. Shiva's Letter to President Trump with COVID-19 Solution
The Protocol and suggested Vitamin regimen is on PART 3.