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PART 1 - What “THEY” Don’t Want You To Know About Preventing COVID-19

What if virtually everything you had been told about the disease COVID-19, how it was created, how it is spread, how it supposedly kills , how to prevent it, and how to treat it were a lie?  Would you want to know the truth?    I will explain it all in 5 short parts.   Check my facts, got to my sources, and then implement these recommendations to protect you and your loved ones from the SARS-CoV-2 virus and go regain your freedom.

When I first heard the news of this “Novel” virus, I really didn’t know how to take it other than what I heard on the media.  I think I was confused if our immune systems could actually handle the virus or was it going to infect every one in the world and include some kind of side effects.   Being a numbers guy, and based on the figures “THEY” provided us, it appeared that every ventilator in the country would be needed for those who would contract pneumonia from this infection as the diseased progressed in a large percentage of the population.

While on the one hand, a lot of things did not add up or make sense about this “pandemic”, on the other hand  I fell victim to the early dire warnings of the potential impact of this disease.  Would I bring home the virus and cause my spouse’s death?  Would I go to visit my mother, infect her, and cause her death?  These ideas practically consumed me for days while I dug in to do research on what this world was up against.  My journey led me to extensive research on SARS, HIV, pneumonia, and the flu pandemic of 1917-1918.

 I have the good fortune to have been previously approved to participate/download papers in over a dozen medical research sites.  I began scouring these sites for information on this version of two of their previous RNA Conrona Viruses.  After completing my research and having run into the immune system teaching of Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, I want to spread the news about the TRUTH of this virus and what. “THEY” are not telling us.

All conspiracy theories aside, lets look at what is the “TRUTH” about this pandemic.  
1.  It turns out, regardless of how it was created, released, cooked up, modified, or whatever, it is still a virus that follows basic laws of physics on this earth.
2.  It uses basic math and chemistry that we pretty much understand, that is, we know it has spike proteins, fats, RNA, it enters the human body with a particular mechanism, gains access to the body, then goes to work multiplying, some are “asymptomatic”, some feel sick, some are sicker, some die.

So what is it “THEY” have not told us?    First of all, it turns out our bodies DO have the capability to fight and defeat the disease after all.  Second, it turns out that it is our immune system that is in charge of how our body can naturally defeat this infection.   Third, it turns out what is really happening in the moderate, severe, and critical cases is that our own body’s immune system basically runs out of necessary defenses (supplies) and turns on itself. It starts using everything left in its arsenal and causes the body to actually kill good cells in the process of attacking the bad ones.  

What is the ONE WORD you have not heard from Dr. Fauci in one single Presidential COVID-19 upstate during this crisis?      VITAMINS.    Now, before you react,  I am not selling anything, I have not monetized anything, I am just letting you in on truth.  Is it strange to you that this word has not been mentioned as an effective resource once by the President’s team?

Not once have I heard Dr. Fauci recommend that all Americans  should be making sure they are getting a large dose of Vitamin D to prepare their body’s defenses  to fight off the virus.   Not once have I heard Dr. Fauci say that Vitamin A would strengthen the cell walls to helps them prevent access to the spike protein that unlocks the ACE2 receptor.   Not once have I heard Dr. Fauci state that Vitamin C would be almost like a silver bullet to this virus in that it protects, fights, and destroys the virus in the body.   Not once did I hear Dr. Fauci state that the people that are surviving the critical care units by receiving  HUGE intravenous doses of Vitamin C daily for over a week.  I am talking 4 to 6 GRAMS of vitamin C per day to beat this disease WITHOUT ventilators.   Did you hear Dr. Fauci recommend ZINC and it secret transport mechanism?  No.  Did he recommend Quercetin that helps move Zinc into the cells to help kill the virus faster?     Nope, we have not heard one single word from the Presidential Task Force up to April 23  about the critical role Vitamins play in beating this "enemy".

Have we heard the darker the color of someone's skin, the more deficient they tend to be in Vitamin D and Vitamin D deficiency is on the of the major keys to the virus doing more damage in your body?   Did you hear Dr. Fauci state that he takes 1,000 milligrams of Vitamin C daily to protect himself? (Oh, he is on record in 2016 for making that statement?     How Dr. Fauci's Claim on How He Protects Himself From The Sick

Have you noticed all “THEY” push is fear and isolation?   Did they ever say we should all be out in the sun getting Vitamin D into our system outdoors where the virus dies quickly? They are still following the narrative we must be isolated to not overload the system for lack of ventilators without telling us the chance of survival on a ventilator is only 12%.  Did they change the narrative?  No.

Did they tell you that basically you can have similar results to virtually all proposed COVID drugs by using Vitamins and  supplements?  No.   Why?  short answer: Dr. Fauci, the CDC, the deep state and the media is all sold out to big-pharma.   The simple solution presented below does not fit their narrative.  Big pharmaceutical companies are hugely behind what Dr. Fauci says or doesn’t say along with several other agendas.  I will provide documentation in the next 3 parts to show you what "THEY" are not telling you.  Please read Part 2 to quickly learn what "THEY" aren't telling you.

Go to Part 2

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