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Vitamin Recommendations To Protect Yourself From COVID19

 Many have asked me which vitamins are recommended for extra protection against the  SARS-COV2 virus.   This is a very complex subject due to some Americans already being deficient in Vitamin A and Vitamin D.   I would suggest looking over what certain doctors that have proven to be experts in this new viral outbreak to see where you may be comfortable.

I have printed the protocols of a number of doctors below.   Please pay special attention to 3 of them in particular.   First - look at the protocol from Dr. Shiva, he divided the country into 3 groups- healthy, immune compromised, COVID Positive, and COVID in-hospital .  

You will find your fit in one of the 4 groups.    Second, pay attention to Dr. Paul Marik, he is perhaps the most respected doctor in the world with the highest survival rate and least ventilator implementation rate.    Third, pay attention to Dr. Brownstein protocol.   Finally, I have listed every vitamin I am taking to protect myself against the virus. 

NOTE:  There are various protocols that you will want to look over and choose one.   One common denominator is fairly high doses of A, C, D, some Zinc and Magnesium; this is consistent.    Look over them to see where you are comfortable.

Dr. Shiva’s protocol is actually listed in a letter to President Trump that he recommended to the entire U.S. population back in February.  Fauci vetoed it, but Fauci is a fraud.  I followed Shiva and recommend it, and then add your comfort level of other Vitamins in the other protocols.  My protocols are at the end

Vitamin Regimens from various doctors below: 

Dr. Andrew Saul 

1,000 to 2,000 mg of Vit C per day 

For Prevention:  3,000 mg Vit C orally per day , divided into 3, 1,000 mg doses. 

In addition they recommend 5,000 IU of Vitamin D for 2 or 3 days. Trailing down to 2,000 IU of Vitamin D per day on a daily usage. Magnesium 400-500 Mg daily

100 micrograms of Selinium , and 50 Mg of Zinc.  


MDPI Article recommends 10,000 IU daily Vitamin D for weeks.     Followed by 5,000 day. 

Quercetin 500 to 1000 

Enoxaparin  40-60 mg Melatonin  start at .3 up to 1 to 1.2 mg 


Dr. Paul Merrick 

Vitamin C 500 mg

Zinc 75 mg

Quercetin 500-1000 mg 

Melatonin .3 to 1-2 mg 

Vitamin D3 1000-4000 daily 

Magnesium 400 mg daily 

Famitodine 20 mg daily


Dr. Northrups routine

Vit C. , 2-4,000 per day

Vit D.  5000 IU

2 droppers of vimergy liquid drops 

Pico Silver , RNA Reset brand . 1 teaspoon day 


Dr. Shiva

Group IV- Normal Healthy Adults. 

Vitamin A- 10,000 iu per day

Vitamin D- 5,000 iu per day

Vitamin C- 1,000 mg per day

Group IV- Normal Healthy Children:

Vitamin A 1,000 iu per day

Vitamin D 2,000 iu per day

Lugoils Iodine solution- 3 drops per day

Group III- Immuno Compromised but NOT Covid Positive

Vitamin A 400,000 iu per day for 2 days

Vitamin D 50,000 iu per day for 2 days

Vitamin C 1,000 mg per day on going

Iodine- Lugoils Solution - 6 drops per day

Group III Children Immuno Compromised 

Vitamin A 400,000 iu per day for 2 days

Vitamin D 50,000 iu per day for 2 days

Vitamin C 500 mg per day on going

Iodine- Lugoils Solution - 3 drops per day

Group II - Hospitalized/Critical Condition

Vitamin A- 400,000 iu per day for 2 days

Vitamin D- 50,000 iu per day for 2 days

Vitamin C- 100 grams per day- that is 100 grams- intravenous 

Group IV- Normal Healthy Children:

Vitamin A 1,000 iu per day

Vitamin D 2,000 iu per day

Lugoils Iodine solution- 3 drops per day

Group I Testing Positive For COVID adults 

Vitamin A- 400,000 iu per day for 2 days

Vitamin D- 50,000 iu per day for 2 days

Vitamin C- 3-6000 mg  per day


Dr. Brownstein IF YOU ARE SICK (From Dr. Brownstein-not me)

For general respiratory symptoms

1. First sign of symptomsVitamin A , 100,000 IU/Day for 4 days. Emulsified Vit A palmitate
2. Vitamin C, 1,000 mg/hr while awake in form of Ascorbic Acid  until bowel tolerance
3. Vitamin D , 50,000 IU/day for 4 days emulsified
4. Iodine 25 mg/day in form of lugoils solution or tableted Lugoils solution
5. Nebulizer .0.04% in normal saline.   Sterile 250cc bag injected with 3% food grade.,and 1 cc of Magnesium Sulfate
6. If symptoms improve frequency can be reduced.
7. If worse , advised to go to your Doctor immediately. 


Gary Eubanks personal  COVID Vitamin Regimen

At start of COVID and following Dr. Shiva’s recommendation:  

Since I was over 65 and 50 pounds overweight at start of COVID - I took:

Step 1:        400,000 iu of Vitamin A - I spread it out to 200,000 one day, and 200,000 another day.  I had never heard of this and did not know if it was safe.  I did not notice anything

Step 2:         50,000 iu of Vitamin D, once daily for 2 days to get my D levels up

Then- thereafter, this is what I follow every day

Vitamin A 5,000 iu
B Complex 100 mg
B 5  500 mg 
Vitamin C 1,200 mg am,  
800 mg pm
Vitamin D3 5,000 iu
Vitamin E Tocotrienol 150 mg
Vitamin K 600mcg
Zinc  100 mg
Quercetin 800 mg
EGCg 400 mg
CURCUMIN 2250 mg
Magnesium 500 mg
Indoral -trademark- IOD 12.5 mg Iodine/Potassium Iodide, 
Selenium 200 mcg
Glucosamine Sulfate 1,000 mg
Rob Keller Md-  Patented Glutathione, NAC proprietary formula - 6 capsules daily Humann Neo40 Nitric Oxide Formula.  
CoQ10 100mg 
Ginger Root  550 mg
1 Aspirin per day- 325 per day
Famitodine 20mg daily - 
3 mg daily Melatonin
6-8 oz of Schweppes Tonic Water/Quinine. (not many mg of Q, but it adds up with the Quercetin and the Zinc to be an over the counter version of Hyrdoxychloroquine


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