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Use This Very Safe, Very Inexpensive Time Proven Method To Protect Against COVID 19

Several months ago, President Trump said something very controversial about taking an internal antiseptic and the media went absolutely crazy.   His statement however was another one of his “cryptic” statements he makes to the rest of his audience that can see though what he is usually communicating.  Now, I for one had been taking an antiseptic internally for quite some time prior to hearing the President mention killing the virus at hand internally.  First of all, yes there are new technologies being tested that can be used inside the body to kill pathogens, but there is a 100 year old safe and proven natural method that has been used by medical professionals and plain old everyday people the world over .  The therapy is Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation “Therapy”.  That’s right, plain old 3% over the counter one dollar a bottle stuff that you can take right into your body and all it does is kill virus and bacteria- in your lungs.   

Less you think I am an idiot,  do not post anything that has not been Clinically proven by numerous professionals and usually has not either been double blind tested, or used throughout history for a long period of time.  In this case I have 3 citations.  1.  My wife and I have been using this from the very start of the COVID scrare. 2.  This is a hundred year old proven method.  3.   Numerous doctors and studies show it is essentially 100% effective in killing airborne viruses and it is 100% safe.  There are no side effects at all.   

More recently with the development of inexpensive nebulizers, it is now easier to get it into your lungs where it will kill the virus.  We have more recently gone with portable nebulizer from Mesh - available everywhere, but Amazon is not yet requiring me to prove I have on a mask when I buy one, so I recommend them.  
links not working- try this one:  

Anway, straight 3% is what I use, for my throat, but the doctors who have extensive experience will show in the attached video (if they allow the link to work)  recommend about a .1% solution in saline if you are going to inhale through your nose.  Regular water and hydrogen peroxide can be a little uncomfortable on the nose, hence the use of saline, or water with a tiny bit of salt in it.    Anyway, what I use when I go out, is I use straight 3% hydrogen peroxide in a small perfume 1 oz spray bottle.  Exhale, then spray it 5 to 6 times while you inhale, then hold it for 5 seconds or so.  Do this a few times- and any virus particles that are trying to make their way past your ACE2 receptors on your mucous lining of the lungs just got zapped.

Anyway- enjoy the video, this is the best I have seen on Hydrogen Peroxide Ihalation Therapy.   Video on How To Use Hydrogen Peroxide To Protect You Against COVID 19

Here is a backup research link if you want more:  

Here is another one from a highly respected doctor, Dr. Charles Farr who started his research and use of this therapy in 1990.  This article is updated to COVID 19 and a really good 5 page “how to” on Hyrdogen Peroxide.


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