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Pepsid AC (Famotidine) decreases bad COVID Outcomes 2 Fold

More interesting news I have been following regarding different ways we are accumulating to battle COVID 19.  I have been researching this one for about 4 months now, and I had to dig into my molecular biology and get help from other molecular biologists and doctors to understand how an antacid could protect you from this novel virus.    This one is really cool.  We kept running across studies that showed people who were regularly tracking this antacid regimen were seeing up to 40% lower mortality rates in hospitals.   Finally after a few months, we are learning its mechanism of action inside the body.

Short answer:   Famotidine is from a  family of antacid blockers which is an H2 antagonist.  H2 inhibitors like Famotidine decrease gastric acid. by reversely “binding” to histamine receptors located in a section of the stomach where we have “gastric parietal cells”.  This inhibits the binding acton  of histamine.  I will not go into detail about histamine in the production of gastric acid, but it is a fascinating process.  Famotidine For COVID 19

Let me quickly cover a warning about antacids in general.  There are two primary “classes” of antacids in common use in the U.S.  H2 antagonists (Famitodine,-PepsidAC) and PPI’s. Protesase Pump Inhibititors.  These little fellas work in th stomach to actually destroy the protease pumps in the stomach which lowers the acid.  I am not of fan at all of these pump killers.  Your body grows new ones back, but I just don’t like the method of action of these things.  My wife gets acid reflux, but I ask her to stay from stuff like Nexium, Prilosec, etc.    These more directly affect the PH in the gut and INCREASE your chances of getting COVID 19.  (TIME Magazine had a July issue titled “Popular Heartbearn Drugs Linked to Heightened COVID 19 Risk” . I will insert a link later.  

Anyway, here is the quick bottom line for Famitodine method of action.  It is classified as an H2RA Histamine Receptor Antagonist.  Essentially severely restricting the body’s ability to produce Histamines. HIstomines are also the end result of a a demodulates immune response when you have something like a giant allergy attack.  Your body has actually turned on itself.   So, in short plain everyday talk, the disease has a two fold manifestation.  Let’s call it the viral phase and the immuno-response phase.  The virus usually grabs a hold of you, you get sick, your body kills the virus- boom- end of story.  This can take a way where from 4 to 6 hours to 2 -3 weeks depending on the health of your immune system.  If you have strong cell walls from Vitamin A, and over 40ng/ of Vitamin D in your blood, the Vitamin D at this point acts like a stage security system and after it takes its time to verify if SARS-COV2 looks safe to shake hands with, it will allow the cell to shake its hand - and you just got infected.  If on the other hand, your body has plenty of D in the blood, the D has enough reserve that is sends it buddies with it to check out this new disguised protein covered in a carbohydrate to the blood- and says “wait just a minute” you are actually a pathogen, we are denying access to the ACE receptor.  If the virus cannot bind to the ACE receptor, the virus gains no entry to the cell, thus no entry to the body.  
Unfortunately over 50% of Americans, and over 80% of all black Americans are severely vitamin D deficient and the virus gains entry because Vitamin D was not at the cell entry gate to stop the virus.

Now, it will be up to the immune response a few days later to see how you do.  This is when people get really- really sick.  It is not the virus at this point, it is actually a run away immune system going into a story of cytokines running rampant in your body.  These are also driven by Histamine.  So your body is having this massive so called allergy attack, the macrophages in the blood don’t know which pathogen to kill, so they start killing everything in sight.  Boom, you are in a cytokine storm.   Dead blood cells everywhere, blood clots start to develop.  Here you can get heart damage, liver, brain, kidney.  Some people lose limbs.   This is really really bad.    H2 antagonists can at least help here and slow the storm.  

Conversely, here is where nutrients can come to your rescue.  If you have A- your cell walls are strong.  IF you have B and C, your body can start producing internal hydrogen peroxide to both kill the virus and cool things down in the cells. 
Vitamin D is also a “modulator” it is running around saying “hey guys, its going to be ok, so nobody go “cytokine crazy” and try to kill each other.
Zinc if allowed in the cell, is an antiviral, so it will kill the virus IF it is in the cell.   But, Zinc is a very large metallic molecule and by itself the body will not allow entry to the blood.   This where it needs to “hitch a ride” into the cell.  Something to actually transport it into the cell.  This can be done only one way.  You need a Zinc Ionophore.  Something to transport it.   Hence, you have 3 real practical options.  1.  Quinine- excellent ionophore.  2.  Hydroxychloroquine (synthetic quinine , ph, and salt oxy compound. 3. Quercetin - a group of natural nutrient flavinnoids made up of brightly colored fruits.  If you like in South American near the equator, or Africa in or near a rain forest and you can get your hands on a ton of this kind of fruit, you are ok.  For me, I just buy a bottle of Quercetin and take 500 mg daily.

After the Quercetin and Zinc, you need Melatonin, it is also an immune system modulator, it keeps everybody calm.  Take it at night anyway or you will likely be too calm in the daytime- lol.

So, vitamins and 20mg of Famotidine for the time being is what Dr. Paul Marik, the author of the life-changing COVID medical protocol that is saving everyone with great success.

I will attach his link to his protocol here, and if you look down at the prophylaxis you will see 20mg Famotidine.  $2.00 at dollar store.  Grab some.  MATH+ Protocol Dr. Marik

Sorry about the links not working.  I forgot, Google owns the software for what i built this on and they have disabled my links now.  They do not want you to know the truth.  I am working on building a site from scratch that Google cannot sanitize.  Anyway, if you search for  Dr. Paul Marik, East Virginia Medical School COVID 19 protocol, the link will come up, or your may try one of my older blogs, I don’t think they have disabled those links yet.


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