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Newest Study From The CDC concludes Masks are Competely Useless In Influenza Outbreak

I will make this post very short so you can just jump right to reading the study from the CDC.  I don’t think they really wanted to publish this study which concludes that masks make ZERO difference for community transmission of Influenza virus.   The Study was supposed to be named: “Results of Handwashing Or Facemask Use in Community Transmission of Influenza” because that was the purpose of the study.  However, in light of the wacky mandates from liberal non-rational mayors and governors they creatively had it named  “Nonpharmaceutical Measures for Pandemic Influenza in Nonhealthcare Settings—Personal Protective and Environmental Measures”

Sorry for the large font size, that was the copy and paste effect.  You see the point though.  Anyway, they found that really washing your hands doesn’t really do anything and they found that masks offer zero “0” improvement in community transmission of the Influenza virus.  The study is for Influenza nor SARS COV2, but they are both airborne viruses.  They are both spread in almost the same way- through the mucous membranes into the lungs.  We also  know that COV2 is a Coronavirus, an enveloped protein virus that is very similar to the common cold virus and that it can only enter the human body through the airway just like influenza.  In the case of SARS COV2, it is exclusively by the ACE2 receptors in the lungs.

The mask debate is raging in my home area of Tulsa, and I have dear friends on both sides of the debate.  I also appreciate the passion that many have for the health of others, but I am aware that the current controversy is far beyond wearing a mask or not.  This is a social battle as well.   Also, bear in mind, there are many people who will suffer great harm from wearing masks.  Many older citizens should not wear a mask as it substantially decreased oxygen intake and frequently causes blood oxygen levels to drop to dangerous levels.  It also substantially needlessly raises blood pressure in the very group masks are supposed to protect. 

I am NOT an anti-masker.  I understand there can be certain times to wear a mask.  However, if we understand that most of these masks filter down to 300 microns or so, and this virus is likely around 60, when you breath or cough, it just flies through the mask and does not know you are wearing a mask.  Truthfully, here is an example and I hate using this illustration, but it will help you understand.  The virus is smaller- get this- smaller than what you smell if someone were to pass gas’s near you.  If someone passes  gas near you, the mask will do nothing.  Trust me, you are going to smell it.  Wearing a mask in a situation like this is like putting a chain link fence around our patio and thinking it will keep out mosquitos.  On a personal comment/observation, I have noticed a very substantial percentage of mask proponents to be very young- below 25 years of age.  This virus really does not affect that age group.  Out of millions of cases, 25 years and below simply pass the virus and move on, so they are doing more harm than good by wearing masks when they have no symptoms.  I will show another paper showing this disease is NOT spread by asymptomatic carriers as well.  Here is the link to the article.   It is very short, and you can see the results by simply scrolling down to the heading “masks”.  


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