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New Information Solving The Mystery To Bad Covid Outcomes

Have you wondered why COVID 19 does not affect the young at all, barely affects young adults, rarely affects healthy middle age adults, and frequently has severe and lethal results with older adults?  You have to be curious right?  Allow me to use a few quick illustrations to help you understand why this happens.

First of all, lets look at a quick lesson in how this virus “attacks” or binds to one person and not another.
Forget that the media keeps saying we have never seen this virus before.  We have been studying the SARS Coronavirus for over 15 years.  The virus is an “enveloped” protein virus.  It has a very creative and unique way of attaching itself to the human body.   The virus has a “corona” its like a bump that sticks out.  If you breath in the virus, it can only attach itself to the human body in one of 3 areas.  The inside of the nose, the throat, or the lung mucous tissue. The virus cannot “bind” itself to any other part of the body for entry to the body.  The virus first reaches to the mucous membrane in the nose or throat and attempts to attach its corona to a receptor on the muscous. It can only attach itself to an ACE 2 receptor. This is like a lock and key.  If the body has a sufficient level of Vitamin D and healthy cell walls from Vitamin A, the body will have enough reserve of the Vitamin D that the Vitamin D will actually be able to recognize that this is a pathogen and will not even let the Corona “shake hands” with the mucous cell.  If on the other hand the cell is low on Vitamin D, it will not have enough of a “defense” to stop the handshake to the virus.  If the virus is able to “lock” itself with its corona to the cell membrane, it will kind of drill in and use a spring like mechanism to hold onto the cell.   

After this first lock, the virus will send out a second tentacle like structure and it will glue itself to another part of the cell membrane and now it has two very tight bonds onto the mucous membrane.  Once this takes place, the virus can penetrate the membrane and start spilling its viral load into the cell.  Typically this starts over a period of a few hours, and meanwhile the body is now a host to the virus and becomes a manufacturing facility for the virus.  The virus can keep this up for a few days if your defenses are down and really start taking over the body before you even start showing symptoms such as fever, headache, or digestive trouble. 

After a few days of the body fighting the virus, sometimes the body can actually defeat the virus and start killing it off.  Unfortunately right when the body starts to kill the virus, an unhealthy body will actually start making more ACE2 receptors thinking it will use them to stop the virus, but the virus uses them to replicate again.  Now there is a viscous cycle going on and the body starts experiencing a lot of cell death from cells that entered the fight to save the body.    If vitamin nutrient levels are low- specifically Vitamin D, the body is incapable of “modulating” its response.  Soon the body’s immune system goes haywire and turns on itself.  This battle can get so severe that the body goes into a “cytokine storm”. It is as if the body has turned on itself and its “killer” cells start killing everything in sight.  At this point, the body can essentially go into shock and as more damage occurs, the body cannot oxygenate the blood.  The body can start dying at this point.    The immune system has run away and needed to be modulated but it did not have the nutrients it needed to modulate itself. 

Enter Glutahione and Vitamin D.   Slightly further in this article is a link to a recent study showing the relationship between low Glutathione levels, low  Vitamin D levels and a bad COVID 19 outcome. For now, understand that Glutathione is the body’s biggest “antioxidant” to take on Reactive Oxygen Species cells in the body. - 

We have learned over the past few years that Glutathione levels peak at around 25 years of age.  So as someone ages, each year their Glutathione levels slowly drop. Apparently the attached study sheds new light on why Vitamin D levels seem to drop in older citizens at an alarming rate.  If your body is low on Glutahione, then it will lead your body to not metabolize Vitamin D property and you will have a severely weakened immune system.   If you are older and have low Gluathione levels, your body will not properly metabolize Vitamin D.  If your Vitamin D levels are too low, you will have a very bad COVID outcome.  

I personally take 1,000 mg of N-Acetyl Cysteine  from Rob Keller MD Original Glutathione Formula.  I have been taking it for almost 10 years.  I also take 5,000iu daily of Vitamin D.   This should get my Glutathione levels back to someone in their 30’s.    Please note, if you are overweight, or have Cardio problems, or you are diabetic, your body will be keeping your cells in oxidative stress and your Glutathione levels will be at dangerously low levels.  This is why older citizens with co-morbidities have severe COVID19 outcomes.   Please read this attached study on Gluathione, D and bad COVID outcomes.

For those of you that have not read my study on Vitamin D and its relation to bad outcomes on COVID19, here is a link showing a clear relationship between bad COVID outcomes and low Vitamin D levels.

The reason these studies are important is to help you live a live without fear.  Your body was made to fight disease, unfortunately this virus strains virtually all our immune resources so we have to properly tune our bodies to be able to defeat the virus.

Here is my personal vitamin formula to balance my immune system to defeat COVID 19.

NAC+Vitamin A+ Vitamin D, plus Quercetin plus Zinc, plus Sea Iodine, plus Selenium plus Magnesium plus 6mg Meleatonin at night.   This will make you bulletproof tor the virus.


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