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USDA Approved Nutrient “Quercetin” Showing Success As Preventative and Curative Agent For COVID19 media Silent

I am quickly gathering research data from all over the world on an exciting and promising Prevention and Treatment for COVID 19.  As I gather data, I want each of you to join me as we learn together how to defeat COVID 19 without having to simply rely on the big pharmaceutical companies or wait for a vaccine.

The exciting treatment is called Quercetin. Quercetin is a plant flavenol that has been approved for human use in the U.S. for decades.  My family has been taking Quercetin orally 500mg daily for quite some time.  It has been known to be a strong antioxidant, antiviral, TMPSSR2 inhibitor, as well as other medical treatments including cancer therapy.  Here is a link to simply describe it:    Doctor Paul Marik the physician that blew the lid on how dangerous ventilators are in COVID treatment has had truly unbelievable results using Quercetin not only as a preventative, but as part of his actual medical protocol that he uses in his hospital.  He encourages doctors worldwide to follow his protocol which includes Quercetin as a major component.  You will also see his references to VItamin D and high dose Vitamin C for anyone that still gets COVID19.  Click here for his protocol and keep with you:  Quercetin In Dr. Marik’s Protocol

Quercetin has been documented to be have a strong preventative and curative affect on SARS, Mouth and Foot Disease, H1N1, MERS, as well as against other Coronaviruses. Contrary to what the media has told us, there are numerous antivirals available without a prescription and Quercetin is one of them.  Click here for info on its antiviral properties:  I have been following trials of this flavenoid for some time, but since it is actually just a nutrient there is no real profit to be made by exploiting it, thus the big pharmaceutical companies seem to either ignore it or agree to participate in trials only to manage to keep delaying the trials.  I am not going conspiracy here, just stating facts.   Here is a trial I have been following for almost 6 months to get a simple trial for people to just use it as a supplement to prevent or cure COVID19 and. After this much time they are still recruiting 50 volunteers- I kid you not.  Here is a link to just one of these trials:   Trial to verify ability of Quercetin to Treat COVID 19.   Another article on trail with Quercetin to treat and prevent COVID 19

Quercetin has already been proven to protect against the ZIKA Virus.   Study results here:    Success of Quercetin Against ZIKA Virus

Against Ebola:    Quercetin and Ebola

This article explains Quercetin, discusses the scientists behind the study (1 of the top 7 rated in the world in this field).  This short article is critical for you to grasp what Quercetin may able to do during this Pandemic.

I must issue a very strong caution at this point.  I am not giving medical advice, I am not being compensated in any way for this, I am showing you actual data and test results from other scientists and labs that are executed about this natural treatment.

Now, allow me to ask a question. If you were to buy an over the counter food supplement that was loaded with nutrients like grape skin, ground up seeds, apple, pineapple, buckwheat etc and have absolutely zero side effects, wouldn’t you find  that worth looking into if it could help you prevent this  novel virus we call SARSCoV2?   Here is another question, if this product has been consumed worldwide for decades, has a proven track record for being an antiviral and has stopped some of the most powerful lethal viruses in history, why is it such a secret?   I just don’t know, but the point of this post is to get you to simply go online and do your own research on Quercetin - Provided that you do not use Google as your search engine.  If you use Google, you will received tainted results to draw you away from the actual medical studies, those conducted over the past 70 years or so.  Use DuckDuckGo or something.  You have to get past what they want you to see.

Now, I know this is long but bear with me.  One of the  most exciting aspects of what Quercetin does besides treating COVD 19   Click here for how it treats disease : what appears to be its ability to prevent COVID 19.    Here is how it does that.    The spikes on SARSCoVS2 have a couple of protein tentacle like structures that actually have to be primed in order to bind to the ACE receptors in your lungs.  This process is called TMPRSS2.   Scientifically, its trans-membrane stuff.  I understand it, but to keep it simple, your body sends out these guys as welcoming committees to carbs and proteins that approach these receptors.  Once this guys shakes the hand of the virus, the TMPRSS2 guys go up and “cut” the protein spike which then “primes” the spike so it can chemically bind to the ACE receptor and the actual cell membrane.   Do you follow me?       The virus needs something like internal paint primer insides your body for the spike protein to be able to latch on and stick to you.  How COVID 19 gains access to the body and how to stop it/
Now, suppose you were able to send out an internal message to the TMPRSS2 protein and have it I stopped or inhibited?   That is one of the roles of Quercetin, it is classified as a TMPSSR2 inhibitor. Pubmed Article on How Quercetin Inhibits TMPRSS2

I am suggesting each of you take a bit of time, check out these links and ask yourself what do you have to lose by taking a TMPRSS2 inhibitor and antioxidant?    As you use Quercetin, be sure to check out adding Zinc to your regimen as Quercetin works with Zinc as an extra anti-viral : Check me out.


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