This short post will introduce a very promising cure to the pandemic an old drug named ”Camostat Mesolyte” and and how it can virtually eliminate this virus from society. This short post will describe in layman’s terms how the virus attaches to our body and how we can defeat the virus. I am attaching scholarly links for you to check out the veracity of this theory and I challenge any readers to look into this solution and proceed post-haste with implementation. Warning: more and more of my links to the scholarly articles are being taken down so if any of my links are not working, they are being taken down al over the internet faster than I can find alternative links. Someone somewhere does not want this information in the hands of the people.
A 35 year old drug from Japan has shown almost complete success from earlier uses of the drug on other SARS viruses in the past. The drug is called Camostat Mesolyte. This drug actually prevents the virus from a being able to really attach itself to the mucous membrane cells in our lungs and other parts of the body.
I am writing this to stimulate others to join me in the research not for a vaccine but simply an immediate cure for the virus. Let’s find a way to keep the virus from receiving permission from within our body to gain access.. This means we must research the process which we will refer to as serine protease TMPRSS2.
Now, lets have a quick overview of what this process looks like in layman’s terms
First, this virus actually attaches itself to the cells in our lungs. As soon as it enters our lungs, it has 2 tentacles that come off of little Coronas. - spikes.
The best was to think of those is to envision one of the Alien movies where this creature has one arm that reaches out and more or less shakes your hand rather politely. When this so called arm or spike comes in contact with our cell, it actually is enveloped in a carbohydrate, so your body says “hey carbohydrate- nice to meet you.” Once it has used the carbohydrate to fool the cell, it establishes a firm handshake with your cell. Once it has gotten a nice friendly grip established with you hand, it tightens the grip and will not let go. This is the first piece of the ACE2 receptor lock with the SARS COV2 virus. Click here for the chemical makeup of SARS COV2: is a scientific discussion of how the spike binds to the cell. - click here : How SARS COV2 binds to our lung cells
Once it has more or less shaken you hand and established a nice grip, then it plays a nasty trick on your cell. It has a second piece of the virus that reaches down and more or less “bites” the outside of the receptor. I will use metaphors like hand shakes and bites and teeth only to give you the idea how it “sticks” to your cells. It doesn’t really have teeth, but is might as well have the way it can bind to our cells. Very few viruses in our history have ever been able to “bind this tightly to us.
This second tentacle or arm is full of teeth that can really grip. We call this the S2 arm. This arm has 6 proteins that are like spring coils that have tremendous pulling power. The arm reaches out grabs hold of you, pulls you to it where the mouth full of teeth where the virus literally gets a death grip on you, pulls itself to your body where it can literally attach itself and begin fusing to your body’s cell.
So the mental picture I am trying to draw is a small alien makes its way into your lungs and lands on one of your lung cells. Once it has landed, it takes its first arm- the S1 and reaches out and shakes your cell’s hand. This is the ACE2 receptor. Note, right here is where a strong immune system matters. If your immune system is strong enough, your body may not shake hands with the virus and let it grab hold or your hand. Don’t count on it though since your body probably hasn’t seen this before.
Now the whole process where S1 and S2 are able to “bind” to your cell requires something called serine proteaseTMPRSS2. What if you inhibit this serine protease? What if you could make the surface of the cell, where these two “spikes” were denied access at all?
Suppose you provided the body with a mechanism where it could stop those two “legs” from being able to ever get a hold on the ACE receptor? Think of it like applying an oil over a surface of a car you are about to spray paint. What would happen if you just applied suntan lotion or some type of oil to the car surface? The paint could not stick or “bind” as they say in medical terms. I want to caution all readers to remember that the virus is not a living organism, it is actually just a chemical compound with some bizzare RNA coding in it that makes it geniusly wicked. It is still just a compound of chemicals bound together though. We are looking at how to keep this compound from being able to bind “stick” to the human cell tissue.
The process that the Coronavirus uses is called serine protease TMPRSS2 to bind to the cells.
Suppose you stop that process by applying something to the surface of the cell?
There is a 35 year old very inexpensive drug that has been used in Japan to treat numerous conditions. It has shown excellent results with viral lung infections by preventing the virus from being to gain entry into the cells. I will do another post later on its chemical structure.
The drug name is called Camostat Mesolyte. In the U.S. they call it Camostat Mesylate .
For the chemical makeup of this drug click here: Camostat MesylateThat is primarily what Camostat Mesolyte does. It is a drug that has been used in Japan for over 35 years to treat other virus infections, but it looks to actually provide extremely high cure rate for COVID 19. Approved by Japan’s equivalent of the FDA in 2006 after 21 years of success, it is used in numerous treatments. Side effects can be rashes and diarrhea. I don’t like side effects, but would gladly trade one of those for a bad run-in with COVID19. Drug info and side effects here: Drug info and side affects of Camostat Mesylate
If you deny access to entry of the virus into the cell, you have won half the battle. If the virus makes its way inside your cells, it starts taking over your cells machinery processes to duplicate itself and then once duplicated, it forces its way out of your cells to infect other cells. Once it has replicated itself millions of times, then its host (you) can become a spreader of the virus. This is what we want to stop.
Now imagine if you balance your immune system with Vitamins A, D, C, and E, take a few zinc ionophores like Quercetin and zinc? What if you were use in conjunction with Camostat Mesolyte.
Spread the word to demand people in the U.S. have access to this drug if they are hospitalized for COVID 19.
Camostat Mesylate Stop ACE 2 binding to stop the SARS-COV2 Virus
Hopefully they will allow U.S. citizens to use this cheap old drug in the U.S. while these trials run.
35 Year Old Japanese Drug Apperrs To Cure COVID 19
I have stumbled onto an trial here in the U.S. but we can’t wait a year of so for resulted when we already know it has worked in Japan for many years.
Clinical Trial Of Camostat Mesylate
I wish to make one past personal statement and this is just my opinion so it is not in my Facebook date to disprove me. But I think the mainstream medical establishment has really underestimated the end result of forcing billions of people to stay home for 2 months. From people I have listened to all over the world, many hundreds of millions appear to have done research on defeating this virus. Millions of people have subsequently stated taking nutrients to boost their immune system. Millions have lost weight and actually used this time to focus on their bodies and improve their health. Consequently, I think millions of people will now be asymptomatic to COVID 19 or will experience minimal symptoms. I honestly believe the reason the hospitals are empty every after states open up if because many millions will not be affected like we were told by the media and our governments. It is a discussion for a later time as to why this has been a well kept secret by our governments, the media, and the mainstream medical establishement. Meanwhile store shelves all over the world have been emptied of vitamin C and D and I am thrilled that the people are getting this even if it is being suppressed. This was just my personal opinon..
A 35 year old drug from Japan has shown almost complete success from earlier uses of the drug on other SARS viruses in the past. The drug is called Camostat Mesolyte. This drug actually prevents the virus from a being able to really attach itself to the mucous membrane cells in our lungs and other parts of the body.
I am writing this to stimulate others to join me in the research not for a vaccine but simply an immediate cure for the virus. Let’s find a way to keep the virus from receiving permission from within our body to gain access.. This means we must research the process which we will refer to as serine protease TMPRSS2.
Now, lets have a quick overview of what this process looks like in layman’s terms
First, this virus actually attaches itself to the cells in our lungs. As soon as it enters our lungs, it has 2 tentacles that come off of little Coronas. - spikes.
The best was to think of those is to envision one of the Alien movies where this creature has one arm that reaches out and more or less shakes your hand rather politely. When this so called arm or spike comes in contact with our cell, it actually is enveloped in a carbohydrate, so your body says “hey carbohydrate- nice to meet you.” Once it has used the carbohydrate to fool the cell, it establishes a firm handshake with your cell. Once it has gotten a nice friendly grip established with you hand, it tightens the grip and will not let go. This is the first piece of the ACE2 receptor lock with the SARS COV2 virus. Click here for the chemical makeup of SARS COV2: is a scientific discussion of how the spike binds to the cell. - click here : How SARS COV2 binds to our lung cells
Once it has more or less shaken you hand and established a nice grip, then it plays a nasty trick on your cell. It has a second piece of the virus that reaches down and more or less “bites” the outside of the receptor. I will use metaphors like hand shakes and bites and teeth only to give you the idea how it “sticks” to your cells. It doesn’t really have teeth, but is might as well have the way it can bind to our cells. Very few viruses in our history have ever been able to “bind this tightly to us.
This second tentacle or arm is full of teeth that can really grip. We call this the S2 arm. This arm has 6 proteins that are like spring coils that have tremendous pulling power. The arm reaches out grabs hold of you, pulls you to it where the mouth full of teeth where the virus literally gets a death grip on you, pulls itself to your body where it can literally attach itself and begin fusing to your body’s cell.
So the mental picture I am trying to draw is a small alien makes its way into your lungs and lands on one of your lung cells. Once it has landed, it takes its first arm- the S1 and reaches out and shakes your cell’s hand. This is the ACE2 receptor. Note, right here is where a strong immune system matters. If your immune system is strong enough, your body may not shake hands with the virus and let it grab hold or your hand. Don’t count on it though since your body probably hasn’t seen this before.
Now the whole process where S1 and S2 are able to “bind” to your cell requires something called serine proteaseTMPRSS2. What if you inhibit this serine protease? What if you could make the surface of the cell, where these two “spikes” were denied access at all?
Suppose you provided the body with a mechanism where it could stop those two “legs” from being able to ever get a hold on the ACE receptor? Think of it like applying an oil over a surface of a car you are about to spray paint. What would happen if you just applied suntan lotion or some type of oil to the car surface? The paint could not stick or “bind” as they say in medical terms. I want to caution all readers to remember that the virus is not a living organism, it is actually just a chemical compound with some bizzare RNA coding in it that makes it geniusly wicked. It is still just a compound of chemicals bound together though. We are looking at how to keep this compound from being able to bind “stick” to the human cell tissue.
The process that the Coronavirus uses is called serine protease TMPRSS2 to bind to the cells.
Suppose you stop that process by applying something to the surface of the cell?
There is a 35 year old very inexpensive drug that has been used in Japan to treat numerous conditions. It has shown excellent results with viral lung infections by preventing the virus from being to gain entry into the cells. I will do another post later on its chemical structure.
The drug name is called Camostat Mesolyte. In the U.S. they call it Camostat Mesylate .
For the chemical makeup of this drug click here: Camostat MesylateThat is primarily what Camostat Mesolyte does. It is a drug that has been used in Japan for over 35 years to treat other virus infections, but it looks to actually provide extremely high cure rate for COVID 19. Approved by Japan’s equivalent of the FDA in 2006 after 21 years of success, it is used in numerous treatments. Side effects can be rashes and diarrhea. I don’t like side effects, but would gladly trade one of those for a bad run-in with COVID19. Drug info and side effects here: Drug info and side affects of Camostat Mesylate
If you deny access to entry of the virus into the cell, you have won half the battle. If the virus makes its way inside your cells, it starts taking over your cells machinery processes to duplicate itself and then once duplicated, it forces its way out of your cells to infect other cells. Once it has replicated itself millions of times, then its host (you) can become a spreader of the virus. This is what we want to stop.
Now imagine if you balance your immune system with Vitamins A, D, C, and E, take a few zinc ionophores like Quercetin and zinc? What if you were use in conjunction with Camostat Mesolyte.
Spread the word to demand people in the U.S. have access to this drug if they are hospitalized for COVID 19.
Camostat Mesylate Stop ACE 2 binding to stop the SARS-COV2 Virus
Hopefully they will allow U.S. citizens to use this cheap old drug in the U.S. while these trials run.
35 Year Old Japanese Drug Apperrs To Cure COVID 19
I have stumbled onto an trial here in the U.S. but we can’t wait a year of so for resulted when we already know it has worked in Japan for many years.
Clinical Trial Of Camostat Mesylate
I wish to make one past personal statement and this is just my opinion so it is not in my Facebook date to disprove me. But I think the mainstream medical establishment has really underestimated the end result of forcing billions of people to stay home for 2 months. From people I have listened to all over the world, many hundreds of millions appear to have done research on defeating this virus. Millions of people have subsequently stated taking nutrients to boost their immune system. Millions have lost weight and actually used this time to focus on their bodies and improve their health. Consequently, I think millions of people will now be asymptomatic to COVID 19 or will experience minimal symptoms. I honestly believe the reason the hospitals are empty every after states open up if because many millions will not be affected like we were told by the media and our governments. It is a discussion for a later time as to why this has been a well kept secret by our governments, the media, and the mainstream medical establishement. Meanwhile store shelves all over the world have been emptied of vitamin C and D and I am thrilled that the people are getting this even if it is being suppressed. This was just my personal opinon..
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